Inspired by teaching yoga to my own children, I qualified to teach children from age 4 years old to young adults and have taught yoga in a number of schools as part of P.E. and 'Yoga to Help with Exam Stress' in P.S.E. as well as after school and holiday clubs.
There are many benefits of Yoga for children; Breathing exercises improve concentration and energy levels . Relaxation techniques clear the mind, allowing for better memory retention. Postures help recharge a weak immune system and strengthen the core stabilising muscles or the abdomen and back. Yoga maintain a child's natural flexibility which can begin to shut down from a surprisingly young age, especially if they spend a long times seated. Helps to tone and strengthen the body. Improves co-ordination and balance. Yoga is a complete form of exercise in a safe and non-competitive environment. Develops creativity and self-expression. Improves self confidence, by releasing day to day anxieties, such as separation issues, or bullying, lethargy and negativity. Yoga promotes healthy sleeping patterns and allows children to explore their intuitive nature